Sacred Sexuality
“As if by complete magic, an old spell was lifted and something awakened whereby my feminine could truly express, feel and once again desire the masculine, but this time from a place of empowerment and strength. I was approached by countless men commenting on my new availability and gorgeousness ... I am now in a loving relationship ... I feel truly blessed and grateful to Dave for his presence, strength and wisdom. ”
- Janet
(Written after six months of talking therapy, followed by one session involving physical contact. For the full testimonial, plus more from other clients, see the bottom of this page)
‘Blooming’: original watercolor by Meagan Segal. Prints available via Etsy
What I offer
I offer one-to-one sessions for women who wish to explore and heal issues related to intimacy, sex, sexual energy and, where relevant, how these are affecting their relationships with men. These sessions can be entirely talk-based, or can include physical contact according to clearly defined agreements.
This work has evolved slowly, in response to clients who have been looking for a male-bodied therapist able to provide a trustworthy, boundaried container to explore these topics; so far, this has exclusively consisted of cis women. If you identify in any other way, and would like to have a conversation about how I or other professionals in my network might be able to support you, please get in touch.
This work emerges from a deep sense of devotion, of wishing to honour what is sacred in my own sexuality and that of others, that I have experienced my whole adult life, even before I had words to express it. That’s why, when I discovered the world of sacred sexuality - and in particular the trauma-informed, boundaried spaces so skilfully held by Gayatri Beegan and Rowan Bombadil - it was like a homecoming. At last, here were spaces where I could let my sense of the sacred take the lead, where I could bear witness to the sacredness before me, letting my touch, words and simple presence be guided by a grounded yet transcendent sense of welcome and worship.
Over time, it became clear that I could create and hold sacred spaces of this kind myself, and that the potential for healing was enormous - precisely because I was not in a hurry or searching for any specific result. While the container I create is strong enough to allow for profound and transformational experiences, ultimately, the safety is not just a foundation: it is the healing.
I want to be clear: I don’t offer this work because I think I know what a woman needs or feels - I don’t pretend to understand what it is like to be you. Instead, I offer a reverent space, without pressure or agenda, where I learn to listen as deeply as I can, to understand how I can support you to come more fully into your own sovereignty. A space that models healthy boundaries, supporting you to honour your No, so that your Yes can become ever more authentic, enthusiastic and potentially ecstatic. A space of witnessing and welcoming that can allow you to access and express parts of yourself that have remained hidden or suppressed, due to lack of safety, conscious or unconscious shame, or any other cause.
The first step in the process is a free, 30-minute, no-obligation consultation (see below), to explore what it is you might be looking for and whether I am the right person to support you. If the fit is right, we will make a very clear agreement around the nature of that support, guided by your specific needs and requests, which I will send you in writing.
Creating and regularly reviewing our agreements is a key part of the work in building a safe container, and will include whether the therapy is entirely talk-based or includes physical contact, and the precise boundaries around any contact that might take place. This conscious, ongoing process of consent and attunement is woven through everything that I offer, in every session and in each moment.
My commitment to safety and accountability
I am acutely aware of the complexities involved in being a man offering to support women with matters of desire and intimacy; many men trying or claiming to help in this way have, somewhere along the line, done more harm than good. As a result, I take enormous care in every stage of offering this work, proceeding gently, never rushing. At every moment, the dialogue is open around what feels safest and most healing.
Moreover, in order to prioritise safety and accountability, I have two female supervisor-mentors with decades of experience, who I am guided by and accountable to: Gayatri Beegan and Jewels Wingfield. When we first communicate, I will include their contact details, so that you have someone other than me that you could contact if something were to come up that did not feel right to you.
My training includes: Tantra Massage Training with Gayatri Beegan, the Wheel of Consent with Rose Jiggens and Rupert Allison, Trauma Awareness with Catherine Hale, Trauma and Resilience Informed Practice with Rex Brangwyn, Grief Tending with Rose Diamond, and Spiritual Counselling as part of my Inter-faith Ministry.
Arranging a free consultation
If you are interested in finding out about more, then please contact me for a free, 20-minute consultation via phone or Zoom. This is an opportunity for both of us to find out whether working together is the right fit, with no obligation.
If we decide to work together, I will suggest an initial session or set of sessions, depending on what we have agreed to focus on. I use a sliding scale based upon income, from £40 to £120 per hour, which we can discuss as part of our conversation.
Other trusted practitioners
If you are looking for sacred sexuality or tantric touch therapy, then I can highly recommend the following practitioners:
Lisa Collins:
Gayatri Beegan:
Grace Walker:
Janet’s full testimonial
“I had been celibate for many years, due to a traumatic childhood, abusive relationships and self-harm, all of which inevitably hindered my ability to love and trust myself and others. With Dave’s help, I was able to talk more fully about these experiences, and as there was no judgment, shock or victim-like sympathy from him I was able to bring the entirety of myself for the first time without resistance or shame.
When the time was right, he then led me with deep care through a series of exercises which almost instantly helped release old patterns, beliefs and locked energies within my body. As if by complete magic, an old spell was lifted and something awakened whereby my feminine could truly express, feel and once again desire the masculine, but this time from a place of empowerment and strength. I was approached by countless men commenting on my new availability and gorgeousness. I couldn’t believe it!
Since then, I find myself aroused, curious and pleasured in a very healthy way and am now in a loving relationship and learning to love and be loved once again. I feel truly blessed and grateful to Dave for his presence, strength and wisdom, a gifted man who has the ability to see, value and heal others.”
Clara’s testimonial
“I am deeply grateful to Dave for his care and support during our session. Almost instantly, I felt so safe that I was able to access some depths of trauma that I had buried in my body, which then found release whilst being held and witnessed in such a caring space. Thank you!”
Lisa’s testimonial
“The session not only fulfilled my deepest feminine desire of being loving met, understood and held by a man, the masculine. But alongside this, my inner child was also nurtured, cherished and held throughout as well. And I was only able to open up so deeply to the experience because Dave made me feel seen, heard, understood, met and safe every step of the way, which is his beautiful heart gift he so naturally and authentically offers the world.
The possibilities for healing and expansion in a session with Dave are incredible, I honestly can’t recommend him enough. And I can hand on heart say that you are in very safe and capable hands. ”